"Staffmaster Noble Touch" Saves Elderly Man's Life
Jock (Staffmaster Noble Touch) is the litter brother of Ch Staffmaster Pure Opium.
Jock lives with his owners Peter & Betty Devenold in Gleneagles, Scotland. They stay in a cottage that backs onto Auchterader Golf Course, which is a few hundred yards from Gleneagles.
One evening Jock would not settle and kept taking his owners to the door. He kept running to the same part of their grounds and barking. After the 3rd outing Betty took a torch down to the place Jock had visited. She heard a very faint cry. It was their next door neighbour! He had suffered a stroke and had been lying in the garden for about two or three hours. His wife thought that he was upstairs resting,
An ambulance was called and the gentleman despatched to hospital. It was touch and go for quite some days. However the ending of this story is a happy one and the neighbour came home.
Jock got a huge fresh bone and became a celebrity in the local papers. He was also mentioned in Mary Pringle’s column in Dog World.
Not bad for a dog with only one eye but a tremendous sense of hearing. He was at least 80 feet away from where the neighbour lay.